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  • R in Julia: RCall.jl
  • Python in Julia: PyCall.jl
  • Python in R: reticulate
LANG Julia R Python Others
padding zero on the left lpad(1, 3, '0') sprintf("%03d", 1) f"{1:03}" printf "%03d" 1 (Shell)
check if substring occursin() in
sum an array along row dims=1 margin=2 axis=0
read image Images::load() cv2.imread()
imread() (Matlab)
write image save() cv2.imwrite()
sort and argsort sort, sortperm sort(), order() sorted(), np.argsort()
Jupyter kernels IJulia IRkernel ipykernel
too many open figures inline rcParams
merge multiple slices vcat np.r_
index of true elements findall which np.where()[0]
freq table StatsBase::countmap() table np.unique(return_counts=True)
contingency table FreqTable::freqtable() table
figure size size in pixel figsize in inch
straight line Plots.abline!() abline()
get unique elements unique(x) unique(x)
index for unique elements unique(i->x[i], 1:length(x)) which(!duplicated(x))
layout @layout layout
priority of : 0.1+1:10-1 == (0.1+1):(10-1) 0.1+1:10-1 == 0.1+(1:10)-1
enumerate for (k, v) in enumerate(d) for k, v in enumerate(d):
keep dims a[1:1,:] a[1,,drop=FALSE] a[0:1,:]
expand dims a[:, None]
np.expand_dims(a, axis=-1)
a[:, np.newaxis]
default color palette(:default) plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
