Deploy Shiny Website on Yale SpinUp¶
This is a full record for building a shiny server from scratch for interactive data visulaization.
Step 1: Install R Shiny Server¶
- Pick a Linux server
The SpinUp platform is very similar (if not exact) to the AWS. The first thing is choose a server. I take the most familar one: Ubuntu 22.04.
- Install R Shiny Server
Follow the official instructions:
sudo apt-get install r-base
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos='')\""
sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
sudo gdebi shiny-server-
- Install RStudio server (optional)
For ease of debugging, I also install the rstudio server
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-2024.04.2-764-amd64.deb
- Configuration
If we want to use the R package installed by the current user, the best way is to set run_as
in /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf
as the current user.
To help debug, add preserve_logs true;
in /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf
. But remember to comment it when it is ready for production.
Step 2: Write ui.R and server.R¶
Actually, both ui.R and server.R are simple. But there are plenty work to speed up the response time for a more friendly use.
Briefly, there are two steps: read data and plot data. Here are attempts along the time to speed up.
Speed up Plot¶
readRDS + Seurat::SpatialPlot
: this is the first attempt, but it turns out that the plot function from Seurat is too slow, particularly when it loads the background image, which is not necessary.- disable the default behavior of loading background image in
$ git log
commit d9f09de15ddf05fe89a8b16eaa100e3720ee122b (HEAD, tag: v4.4.0)
$ git diff
diff --git a/R/visualization.R b/R/visualization.R
index d3edd0f4..6c48552d 100644
--- a/R/visualization.R
+++ b/R/visualization.R
@@ -6878,9 +6878,6 @@ GeomSpatial <- ggproto(
height = unit(x = hgth, units = "npc"),
just = c("left", "bottom")
- img.grob <- GetImage(object = image)
- img <- editGrob(grob = img.grob, vp = vp)
# spot.size <- slot(object = image, name = "spot.radius")
spot.size <- Radius(object = image)
coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_scales)
@@ -6897,6 +6894,9 @@ GeomSpatial <- ggproto(
vp <- viewport()
gt <- gTree(vp = vp)
if (image.alpha > 0) {
+ img.grob <- GetImage(object = image)
+ img <- editGrob(grob = img.grob, vp = vp)
if (image.alpha != 1) {
img$raster = as.raster(
x = matrix(
but the improvment of speed is limited.
- take out the
function fromSpatialPlot
, and directly useggplot2
without loadingSeurat
, but it is still too slow. Also tried the parallel computing for multiple plots, but actually the bottleneck is the final rendering step, which seems not for parallel computing, while the plot step itself is quite cheap. In other words, it is easy to runp = ggplot()
, but it takes a long time toprint(p)
> system.time({p = SpatialFeaturePlot(spatial.atac, features = feature, pt.size.factor = 1.2,
+ image.alpha = 0, stroke = 0, alpha = c(1, 1), slot = "")})
user system elapsed
0.121 0.004 0.125
> system.time({print(p)})
user system elapsed
24.436 4.122 28.541
> system.time({ggsave("testp.pdf")})
Saving 11.7 x 5.45 in image
user system elapsed
24.775 4.042 28.798
- replace
, it seems faster, but here is gap betweenggplot2
: no direct correspondence of the custome scale inplotly
, so it takes some time to figure out the mechanism of custom color scale. Seefor more details.
Speed up Data Loading¶
- remove slots and no compress in
: since the.rds
file is too large, it takes quite a long time to load it. The first attempt is to use remove unnecessary slots in the seurat object, and save into rds withcompress = F
, which can (significantly) shorten the data loading time.
> system.time({readRDS("X_nocompress.rds")})
user system elapsed
3.839 1.906 5.741
> system.time({readRDS("X.rds")})
user system elapsed
17.402 1.622 19.013
- use cache: to avoid repeating loading the same data, use
, but note that onlycachem::cache_mem
can work, sincecachem::cache_disk
is equivalent to saving to a “.rds” file.
cm <- cachem::cache_mem(max_size = 20 * 1024^3, max_age = 60 * 60)
load_data <- memoise(function(file_path) {
}, cache = cm)
the cache requires the RAM size, but it is expensive to increase the RAM size and it will be a waste when there is no people visiting the website.
- convert to HDF5: since it is not necessary to load the whole data into RAM, then I save the data into
file withwriteHDF5Array
, and then load it withHDF5Array
> system.time({obj_h5 = HDF5Array(paste0(filename, ".h5"), name = "data")})
user system elapsed
0.039 0.008 0.047
> system.time({obj = readRDS(paste0(filename, ".rds"))})
user system elapsed
3.304 1.406 4.706
And I encountered two tricky things:
use row vector instead of column vector
I found that the loading of .h5
is quite slow for a column vector, but it is OK using a column vector.
use different name for different types of data
do not merge two different types of data into a data frame and save it to .h5
since it will lose the data type
Speed up Long Selection¶
The number of gene list is around 2w, the default selectizeInput
can only accept 2000 options. Although we can specify the maxOptions
, it will be very slow to loading the drop menu.
selectizeInput("feature", "Gene:", choices = lst_features, options = list(maxOptions = 24029))
The first attempt is to load the whole list on the server side, but there is a delay when selecting from the drop menu.
selectizeInput("feature", "Gene:", choices = NULL)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "feature", choices = lst_features, server = TRUE, options = list(maxOptions = 24029))
So I tried to adaptively update the list on the client side. However, it seems quite tricky to handle the reactive experssion. Hopefully, it succeeds. Although ChatGPT can help draft some code but it can repeatedly give the wrong answer if I asked it to debug. The tricky thing is to set server = FALSE
in updateSelectizeInput
, otherwise, the choices will not be updated after you deleting your selection.
a minimal work example for adaptive loading
# Generate a long list of size 20000
long_list <- paste("Item", 1:20000)
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Adaptive Loading with SelectizeInput"),
inputId = "dynamic_select",
label = "Select an Item",
choices = NULL,
options = list(
maxOptions = 100, # Maximum number of options to display at once
load = I("function(query, callback) {
if (!query.length) {
var self = this;
console.log('no time Query:', query);
this.searchTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
Shiny.setInputValue('query', query, {priority: 'event'});
console.log('Query:', query);
}, 100); // Adjust delay as needed
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Reactive to store the filtered options
filtered_choices <- function(query) {
if (is.null(query) || query == "") {
return(long_list[1:100]) # Return top 100 items if query is empty
cat("Filtering choices with query:", query, "\n")
matches <- grep(paste0("^", query), long_list, value = T, = T)
matches[1:min(100, length(matches))] # Return top 100 matches
# Update the selectize input choices based on the query
observeEvent(input$query, {
cat("Received query:", input$query, "\n")
query = input$query
choices <- filtered_choices(query)
if (!is.null(choices)) {
cat("Updating selectize input with choices:", choices, "\n")
session$sendCustomMessage("updateChoices", list(choices = as.list(choices)))
updateSelectizeInput(session, "dynamic_select", choices = choices, server = FALSE)
} else {
cat("No choices found for query:", input$query, "\n")
updateSelectizeInput(session, "dynamic_select", choices = character(0), server = FALSE)
output$selected_item <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui, server)
Step 3: Apply for a custom domain¶
We wrote an email to
to request a domain by simply providing the custom domain name. They replied shortly and approved our request.
Step 4: Domain Resolution¶
It requires us to setup the SSL certificate. Follow the article.
Also, I setup the nginx forward such that the shiny application is binded to the domain itself, i.e, no need to append the subfolder of the shiny application after the domain.
$ cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/shiny
location / {
However, after the IT set up the Application Load Balancer (ALB), we cannot access the domain, and it throws the 502 Bad Gateway error. Both IT and I struggle in the error for a quite while, later on, I found that the reason is that
previously I only used “ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;” without “TLSv1.2”, so after trying adding back TLSv1.2